- Call Us: +230 660 2020
- Office 8, First Floor, Nouvelle Usine, Cite Mangalkhan, Floreal, Mauritius
27jun7:00 pm8:00 pmOsteoradionecrosis
Provider Name: Societe ORLContact Name and Title: Dr Seetohul Bhashkar YanishTelephone: 57711801Email: yanishseetohul@hotmail.comProgram Name: OsteoradionecrosisProgram Location: Rooftop Restaurant, Ebene
Provider Name: Societe ORL
Contact Name and Title: Dr Seetohul Bhashkar Yanish
Telephone: 57711801
Email: yanishseetohul@hotmail.com
Program Name: Osteoradionecrosis
Program Location: Rooftop Restaurant, Ebene
Program Date(s): 27th June 2024
Program Start and End Times: 1900 – 2000
(Thursday) 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+04:00)
Rooftop Restaurant
Rooftop Restaurant, Iconebene, Ebene
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